Cooper – In the Arms of the Angels now


45094We are very sad to say sweet Cooper has passed away.  He was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and we did everything we could to help him.  He was with his loving foster family when he took his last breath.  Thank you to all of you who supported Cooper and helped make his last days his best ever.

At 12 years old, Cooper is once again looking for a new home in his life.  His family gave him up because of a divorce situation and they couldn’t keep him, sadly.  He is in urgent need of veterinary care so he needs your help!   He has severe dental disease causing facial swelling and a large mass on his chest that needs to be checked out and possibly removed.  If you can help by sponsoring him, he will be very grateful.  He’s a very nice boy!!

Watch for more updates and photos soon!

UPDATE 12/11/16:  Cooper has seen our vet  (12/10/16) and here’s what we now know. 1) He has a heart murmur, but it’s stable at this time. 2) He is full of tumors and masses, but all of the largest ones were tested and are just fatty lipomas. 3) He has a severe ear infection (both ears) that is being treated. 4) He has severe periodontal disease and will need a dental soon (probably the week between Christmas and New Year). 5) He has a mass in his abdomen and the vet isn’t sure if it’s just fatty or if it’s something more, so he will have an ultrasound soon, along with bloodwork.


Tom Humbach - MT Robert Duplease - WY Deborah Jimmerson Marla Steinmetz - CA




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